Because the prices of our ebikes are high, your payment might get declined in defense against possible credit card fraud. Call your credit card company or bank ahead of time to alert them of your purchase so that you can complete your order successfully, or call them if your payment was declined so they can authorize your purchase. Once they have authorized the payment, you will be able to successfully process your order on our website.
Here are the 2 ways you can pay for your order:
1) PayPal
2) Credit/debit cards.
If you don't have a PayPal account, please still choose the "PayPal" button to check out and click the complete order to go to the next page. Then the new page will show both PayPal and Debit/Credit card payment (for the latter option, you don't have to register for PayPal).
Follow these steps:
Step 1. Select PayPal (even if you don't have a PayPal account)
Step 2. Click on "Pay with Debit or Credit Card".
Step 3. Fill in your credit card info and complete your order.